Monday, May 07, 2007

Taking a break.....

Surrounding: Class 95FM
Mood: Sleepy (Whats new)

Woah, when was the last time I blog? Not say like I really studying..... Exams is in 2 days.... ECONS!!! Damn, I used to love econs.. what happened man..... crap.... I'll just be glad that I pass the paper.... =(

What can I remember since the last few weeks..... hmmm..... hmmm

Well, the kopi klub klan has a new "craze" UNO.... Joan & I bought the new water proof Uno.....old game - Yes, Childish - Perhaps, FUN? - YEAH..... When Leo plays look as thou he will kill us, too bad no photos... But kinda cool..... The gang was fun!

Gotta go study now..... will be back to blog after the 21st May.....